CCL App Dev برنامه ها

澳門報紙 | 新聞 Macao News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from major newspapers in Macau toprovide comprehensive and timely local news reports
UAE News - English News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Read latest UAE news from multiple local sources
Israel News - English News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Israel news from majorlocalnews sites, currently have The Jerusalem Post, The Times ofIsrael,Haaretz, ynetnews, Israel National News, I24news, IsraelHayom,Globes, The Yeshiva World, The Jewish Press, and will keeponincrease the sources Category includes headlines, Israel,Jewish,Middle East, world, politics, business, entertainment,sports,lifestyle, and others Constantly updated to help youstayup-to-date on Israel news Simple and easy to use interfacedesignMinimalist style and material design while maintainingstabilityand smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right toread thenext news or next image Click on the image to open theimagebrowser with gesture control zoom and drag Support forportraitmode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimumadvertisingthat does not affect reading Various features enhancethe userexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, onlyload newsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click toload theimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usageand makesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way toshare newsand open the source website This app will continue to bemaintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Korea News - English News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Korea news from major localnews sites, currently have The Korea Times, The Korea Herald,Yonhap News Agency, The Chosun Ilbo, The Dong-a Ilbo, KoreaJoongAng Daily, The Kyunghyang Shinmun, The Hankyoreh, Pulse andwill keep on increase the sources Category includes headlines,national, North Korea, business, entertainment, lifestyle, sports,world, and others Update every 30 minutes to help you stayup-to-date on Korea news Simple and easy to use interface designMinimalist style and material design while maintaining stabilityand smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right to read thenext news or next image Click on the image to open the imagebrowser with gesture control zoom and drag Support for portraitmode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimum advertisingthat does not affect reading Various features enhance the userexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, only load newsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click to load theimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usage and makesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way to share newsand open the source website This app will continue to be maintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors you haveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feel thatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
News Singapore - English News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Read latest Singapore news from multiple sources
Qatar News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Qatar news from majorlocalnews sites, currently have The Peninsula, Gulf Times,QatarTribune, Qatar Living, ILoveQatar, Al Jazeera, Qatar Day,DohaNews, and will keep on increase the sources Categoryincludesheadlines, Qatar, world, business, entertainment,lifestyle,sports, and others Update every 30 minutes to help youstayup-to-date on Qatar news Simple and easy to use interfacedesignMinimalist style and material design while maintainingstabilityand smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right toread thenext news or next image Click on the image to open theimagebrowser with gesture control zoom and drag Support forportraitmode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimumadvertisingthat does not affect reading Various features enhancethe userexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, onlyload newsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click toload theimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usageand makesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way toshare newsand open the source website This app will continue to bemaintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
World News - International News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Read latest international news from multiple sources
台灣報紙 | 新聞 Taiwan News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及時的新聞報導新聞來自各大網絡新聞網站,目前有ETtoday新聞雲,蘋果日報,自由時報,三立新聞,東森新聞,聯合新聞網,中時電子報,TVBS,今日新聞,將陸續增加分類包括頭條,政治,社會,國際,財經,娛樂,體育,健康等 24小時不間斷每30分鐘更新,助你掌控台灣最新資訊簡潔易用的界面設計極簡風格和清晰的排版,同時保持穩定和流暢 方便的導航,左右滑動打開下個新聞,觀看下個圖片點擊圖片打開圖片遊覽器,手勢控制放大拖動支持直屏模式(手機),橫屏模式(平板) 最低限度的廣告,不影響閱讀 各種功能提升用戶體驗省流量模式 -在沒有WiFi時,只加載純文字新聞,用戶點擊加載圖片,避免消耗流量 夜間模式 -在黑暗的環境下,緩解眼睛疲勞,更易於閱讀簡單分享新聞,打開源網站此應用將持續維護與更新,請幫助反應你遇到的錯誤,以更快的修復與改進。如果覺得此應用對你有幫助,就留下好評吧。
国际新闻 World News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及时的新闻报道新闻来自各大网络新闻网站,目前有BBC,纽约时报,路透社,华尔街日报,法广,金融时报,美国之音,环球网,世界新聞網,联合早报,德国之声,日经中文网将陆续增加分类包括头条,国际,中国,金融,经济,科技,生活等 24小时不间断每30分钟更新,助你掌控全球最新资讯简洁易用的界面设计极简风格和清晰的排版,同时保持稳定和流畅 方便的导航,左右滑动打开下个新闻,观看下个图片点击图片打开图片游览器,手勢控制放大拖动支持直屏模式(手机),横屏模式(平板) 最低限度的广告,不影响阅读 各种功能提升用户体验省流量模式 -在没有WiFi时,只加载纯文字新闻,用户点击加载图片,避免消耗流量 夜间模式 -在黑暗的环境下,缓解眼睛疲劳,更易于阅读简单分享新闻,打开源网站此应用将持续维护与更新,请帮助反应你遇到的错误,以更快的修复与改进。如果觉得此应用对你有帮助,就留下好评吧。
大马报纸 | 马来西亚新闻 Malaysia Chinese News & Newspaper
CCL App Dev
Bring together news sources from newspapers across Malaysia toprovide comprehensive and timely news coverage.
新加坡报 | 新闻 Singapore Chinese News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及时的新闻报道 新闻来自各大网络新闻网站,目前有 联合早报,8视界,狮城新闻,新加坡眼,红蚂蚁,将陆续增加分类包括头条,国内,国际,财经,娱乐,体育,副刊等 24小时不间断每30分钟更新,助你掌控新加坡最新资讯简洁易用的界面设计极简风格和清晰的排版,同时保持稳定和流畅 方便的导航,左右滑动打开下个新闻,观看下个图片点击图片打开图片游览器,手勢控制放大拖动支持直屏模式(手机),横屏模式(平板) 最低限度的广告,不影响阅读 各种功能提升用户体验省流量模式 -在没有WiFi时,只加载纯文字新闻,用户点击加载图片,避免消耗流量 夜间模式 -在黑暗的环境下,缓解眼睛疲劳,更易于阅读简单分享新闻,打开源网站此应用将持续维护与更新,请帮助反应你遇到的错误,以更快的修复与改进。如果觉得此应用对你有帮助,就留下好评吧。
News Malaysia - English News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage News comes from majorlocalonline news sites, currently have The Star, Free MalaysiaToday,Malay Mail, Malaysiakini, The Edge Markets, The Sun Daily,BERNAMA,The Malaysian Insight, Malaysia Today, Borneo Post Online,TheMalaysian Reserve, and will keep on increase the sourcesCategoryincludes headlines, nation, word, business, lifestyle,sports andothers Update every 30 minutes to help you stayup-to-date onMalaysia news Simple and easy to use interface designMinimaliststyle and material design while maintaining stabilityandsmoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right to read thenextnews or next image Click on the image to open the imagebrowserwith gesture control zoom and drag Support for portraitmode(mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimum advertisingthatdoes not affect reading Various features enhance theuserexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, only loadnewsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click to loadtheimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usage andmakesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way to sharenewsand open the source website This app will continue to bemaintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, leave a good comment.
Australia News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Australia news frommajorlocal news sites, currently have ABC News, SBS News, SMH, TheAge,,, Australian Financial Review,DailyTelegraph, Herald Sun, The Australian, 7NEWS, BusinessInsider, andwill keep on increase the sources Category includesheadlines,national, NSW, Victoria, Queenland, world, politics,business,entertainment, lifestyle, sports and others Constantlyupdated tohelp you stay up-to-date on Australia news Simple andeasy to useinterface design Minimalist style and material designwhilemaintaining stability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipeleftand right to read the next news or next image Click on theimage toopen the image browser with gesture control zoom and dragSupportfor portrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Berita Indonesia - News & Newspaper 8.52.0
CCL App Dev
Liputan berita yang komprehensif dan tepat waktu Berita berasaldarisitus online utama, saat ini Okezone, Tribunnews, detikcom,Kompas,Liputan6, SINDOnews, akan menambah lebih banyak situsberita dansurat kabar Klasifikasi meliputi national, bisnes,global, seleb,lifestyle, sport, otomotif, health dan lainnyaDiperbarui setiap 30menit untuk membantu Anda membaca beritaterbaru Desain antarmuka UIyang jelas dan mudah digunakan Gaya dantipografi minimalis danmenjaga stabilitas dan kehalusan Navigasiyang mudah, geser ke kiridan kanan untuk membuka beritaberikutnya, tonton gambar berikutnyaKlik pada gambar untuk membukabrowser gambar, memperbesar kontrolgerakan, dan seret Dukunganuntuk mode potret (ponsel), modelansekap (datar) Iklan minimaltidak memengaruhi membaca Berbagaifungsi meningkatkan pengalamanpengguna Mode Hemat Data - Ketikatidak ada WiFi, hanya teks biasayang dimuat, dan pengguna mengklikuntuk memuat gambar untukmenghindari penggunaan data. Mode Malam -di lingkungan yang gelap,mengurangi kelelahan mata dan membuatnyalebih mudah dibaca Bagikanberita dan buka situs web sumber Aplikasiini akan terusdiperbarui, bantu untuk menunjukkan kesalahan yangAnda hadapiuntuk perbaikan dan peningkatan yang lebih cepat. JikaAnda merasaaplikasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda, berikan komentar yangbagus.
Irish News - Ireland News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Irish news from majorlocalIreland news sites, currently have RTÉ News, The IrishTimes,,,, Irish Mirror,IrishExaminer, The Irish Sun,, Dublin Live, and will keeponincrease the sources Category includes headlines, Ireland,world,sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle, opinion, culture,andothers Update every 30 minutes to help you stay up-to-date onIrishnews Simple and easy to use interface design Minimalist styleandmaterial design while maintaining stability and smoothnessEasynavigation, swipe left and right to read the next news ornextimage Click on the image to open the image browser withgesturecontrol zoom and drag Support for portrait mode (mobilephone),landscape mode (tablet) Minimum advertising that does notaffectreading Various features enhance the user experience DataSavermode - When there is no WiFi, only load news in plain text, tosavedata usage, and user can click to load the image. Darktheme-reduce eye strain, reduce power usage and makes readingeasier inlow-light environment Simply way to share news and openthe sourcewebsite This app will continue to be maintained andupdated, pleasehelp to feedback the errors you have encountered forfaster fixesand improvements. If you feel that this app is helpfulto you,please leave a good comment.
South Africa News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage South Africa news frommajorlocal news sites, currently have News24, IOL, TimesLIVE,EyewitnessNews, The Citizen, eNCA, Briefly, BusinessTech, DailyMaverick,MyBroadband, SAnews, The South African, and will keep onincreasethe sources Category includes headlines, South Africa,Africa,world, politics, sports, business, entertainment, lifestyle,andothers Constantly updated to help you stay up-to-date onSouthAfrica news Simple and easy to use interface designMinimaliststyle and material design while maintaining stabilityandsmoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right to read thenextnews or next image Click on the image to open the imagebrowserwith gesture control zoom and drag Support for portraitmode(mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimum advertisingthatdoes not affect reading Various features enhance theuserexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, only loadnewsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click to loadtheimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usage andmakesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way to sharenewsand open the source website This app will continue to bemaintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Brunei News - News & Newspaper 8.41.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Brunei news from majorlocalnews sites, currently have Borneo Bulletin, PelitaBrunei,BruDirect, Media Permata, RTBNews, Biz Brunei, The Bruneian,andwill keep on increase the sources Category includesheadlines,national, world, business, entertainment, lifestyle,sports, andothers Update every 30 minutes to help you stayup-to-date onBrunei news Simple and easy to use interface designMinimaliststyle and material design while maintaining stabilityandsmoothness Easy navigation, swipe left and right to read thenextnews or next image Click on the image to open the imagebrowserwith gesture control zoom and drag Support for portraitmode(mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet) Minimum advertisingthatdoes not affect reading Various features enhance theuserexperience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi, only loadnewsin plain text, to save data usage, and user can click to loadtheimage. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce power usage andmakesreading easier in low-light environment Simply way to sharenewsand open the source website This app will continue to bemaintainedand updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
UK News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage United Kingdom (UK)newsaggregates from major local news sites, currently have BBC,DailyMail Online, The Guardian,, Mirror Online,TheTelegraph, Sky News, The Sun, The Independent, Daily Star,MetroUK, Evening Standard, and will keep on increase thesourcesCategory includes headlines, UK, US, world, business,politics,sports, lifestyle, entertainment, and others Constantlyupdated tohelp you stay up-to-date on Britain news Simple and easyto useinterface design Minimalist style and material designwhilemaintaining stability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipeleftand right to read the next news or next image Click on theimage toopen the image browser with gesture control zoom and dragSupportfor portrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Malta News - English & Maltese Newspaper 8.51.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Malta news aggregatesfrommajor local news sites, currently have Times of Malta, TVMNews,Lovin Malta, Newsbook, MaltaToday, Malta Independent, OneNews,NETnews, Illum, iNews Malta, and will keep on increase thesourcesCategory includes headlines, national, world, business,sports,lifestyle, entertainment, and others Constantly updated tohelp youstay up-to-date on Malta news Simple and easy to useinterfacedesign Minimalist style and material design whilemaintainingstability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left andright toread the next news or next image Click on the image to opentheimage browser with gesture control zoom and drag Supportforportrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
New Zealand News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage New Zealand newsaggregatesfrom major local news sites, currently have NZ Herald,,Newshub, RNZ News, Otago Daily Times, Newstalk ZB, TheSpinoff,Newsroom, Scoop, 1 NEWS, SunLive, and will keep on increasethesources Category includes headlines, New Zealand, world,politics,business, sports, lifestyle, entertainment, and othersConstantlyupdated to help you stay up-to-date on New Zealand newsSimple andeasy to use interface design Minimalist style andmaterial designwhile maintaining stability and smoothness Easynavigation, swipeleft and right to read the next news or next imageClick on theimage to open the image browser with gesture controlzoom and dragSupport for portrait mode (mobile phone), landscapemode (tablet)Minimum advertising that does not affect readingVarious featuresenhance the user experience Data Saver mode - Whenthere is noWiFi, only load news in plain text, to save data usage,and usercan click to load the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain,reducepower usage and makes reading easier in low-lightenvironmentSimply way to share news and open the source websiteThis app willcontinue to be maintained and updated, please help tofeedback theerrors you have encountered for faster fixes andimprovements. Ifyou feel that this app is helpful to you, pleaseleave a goodcomment.
Philippines News - English News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Philippines news frommajorlocal news sites, currently have ABS-CBN News,,GMANews Online, Rappler, SunStar,, The ManilaTimes,Manila Bulletin, CNN Philippines, BusinessWorld,BusinessMirror,Philippine News Agency, Philippine InformationAgency, ManilaStandard, and will keep on increase the sourcesCategory includesheadlines, nation, world, business, entertainment,sports,lifestyle, and others Constantly updated to help youstayup-to-date on Philippines news Simple and easy to useinterfacedesign Minimalist style and material design whilemaintainingstability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left andright toread the next news or next image Click on the image to opentheimage browser with gesture control zoom and drag Supportforportrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Trinidad and Tobago News 10.60.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Trinidad and Tobagonewsaggregates from major local news sites, currently haveNewsday,Trinidad Guardian, Daily Express, CNC3, Loop News, AZPNews, IzzSo,CCN TV6, Wired868, Sweet TnT Magazine,, TTTNews,Power102FM and will keep on increase the sources Categoryincludesheadlines, Trinidad, Tobago, world, business, sports,lifestyle,entertainment, and others Constantly updated to help youstayup-to-date on Trinidad and Tobago news Simple and easy touseinterface design Minimalist style and material designwhilemaintaining stability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipeleftand right to read the next news or next image Click on theimage toopen the image browser with gesture control zoom and dragSupportfor portrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
香港報紙 | 新聞 Hong Kong News & Newspaper 8.40.0
CCL App Dev
全面及時的新聞報導新聞來自各大網絡新聞網站,目前有蘋果日報,巴士的報,香港01,香港電台,明報,立場新聞,東方日報,now新聞,經濟日報,將陸續增加分類包括頭條,本地,兩岸,國際,財經,娛樂,體育,副刊等24小時不間斷每30分鐘更新,助你掌控香港最新資訊 簡潔易用的界面設計極簡風格和清晰的排版,同時保持穩定和流暢方便的導航,左右滑動打開下個新聞,觀看下個圖片 點擊圖片打開圖片遊覽器,手勢控制放大拖動支持直屏模式(手機),橫屏模式(平板)最低限度的廣告,不影響閱讀 各種功能提升用戶體驗 省流量模式 -在沒有WiFi時,只加載純文字新聞,用戶點擊加載圖片,避免消耗流量夜間模式 - 在黑暗的環境下,緩解眼睛疲勞,更易於閱讀簡單分享新聞,打開源網站此應用將持續維護與更新,請幫助反應你遇到的錯誤,以更快的修復與改進。如果覺得此應用對你有幫助,就留下好評吧。
Sri Lanka News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Sri Lanka newsaggregatesfrom major local news sites, currently have Hiru News,Ada Derana,Daily Mirror, News First, Daily News, Roar Media, LankaNews Web,LankaTruth, Daily FT, Sri Lanka Mirror, Ceylon Today, TheMorning,The Island, Sunday Times, Sunday Observer, ColomboTelegraph,Colombo Gazette, and will keep on increase the sourcesCategoryincludes headlines, Sri Lanka, world, politics, business,sports,gossip, entertainment, and others Constantly updated to helpyoustay up-to-date on Sri Lanka news Simple and easy to useinterfacedesign Minimalist style and material design whilemaintainingstability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left andright toread the next news or next image Click on the image to opentheimage browser with gesture control zoom and drag Supportforportrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.
Canada News - English News & Newspaper 8.50.0
CCL App Dev
Comprehensive and timely news coverage Canada news aggregatesfrommajor local news sites, currently have CBC News, CTV News,GlobalNews, The Globe and Mail, The Star, CP24, National Post,HuffPostCanada, Canada NewsWire, Toronto Sun,, BNNBloomberg,Financial Post, and will keep on increase the sourcesCategoryincludes headlines, Canada, world, politics, business,sports,lifestyle, entertainment, and others Constantly updated tohelp youstay up-to-date on Canada news Simple and easy to useinterfacedesign Minimalist style and material design whilemaintainingstability and smoothness Easy navigation, swipe left andright toread the next news or next image Click on the image to opentheimage browser with gesture control zoom and drag Supportforportrait mode (mobile phone), landscape mode (tablet)Minimumadvertising that does not affect reading Various featuresenhancethe user experience Data Saver mode - When there is no WiFi,onlyload news in plain text, to save data usage, and user can clicktoload the image. Dark theme- reduce eye strain, reduce powerusageand makes reading easier in low-light environment Simply waytoshare news and open the source website This app will continue tobemaintained and updated, please help to feedback the errors youhaveencountered for faster fixes and improvements. If you feelthatthis app is helpful to you, please leave a good comment.